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Read Functions with USB-TTL

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:19 am
by haj

I am currently trying to communicate from a NVidia Jetson Nano over USB-TTL with two RoboClaws (multi-unit).
Sending the Speed commands and all works flawlessly. However, the Read (readenc, readspeed) functions would always return 0.
I intend to control the RoboClaws over a python ROS node but at the moment I am just trying to get the communication work with the script from the roboclaw_python_library and one roboclaw at the time.
I tried changing adresses and baudrates but the script still returns "failed" for everything. While I am able to send a speed command.

Any idea what the source of error could be?

I located the source of error. Reading the encoders works when multi-unit mode is disabled. however when it's enabled, I cannot read anything.

My setup looks as follows: I connect a USB-TTL cable to my Jetson nano and from there I connect two parallel cables for each (TX, RX, Ground) to the two RoboClaws. I leave the power cable of the USB-TTL aside. Also, I install no pull-up resistor. I configure my two RoboClaws to enable multi-unit serial mode.
Is that a completely wrong way to do it? How should I do it instead?

All good I got it. I need a pull up resistor. Unless I am connecting the first roboclaw to the jetson over USB and the second roboclaw to the first over UART (which is what I'm doing now) :-)

Re: Read Functions with USB-TTL

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 2:24 pm
by Basicmicro Support
Glad you figured it out. Let me know if you need anything else. :)