Increasing response speed in position mode

Questions about using encoders with the Roboclaw product line
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Increasing response speed in position mode

Post by MikeRover »

Hi, trying to tune a scooter motor for steering control, so running in position mode with a potentiometer for feedback.

I get a good initial response, then it rolls off - is that a sign of too much D?

Also, what effect should QPPS have? 375 was calculated by an autotune that didn't finish, but it seemed like going higher sped things up?
Tuning4.png (163.3 KiB) Viewed 9019 times
Tuning5.png (156.7 KiB) Viewed 9019 times
I have the accelerations and velocities at maximum.
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Basicmicro Support
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Re: Increasing response speed in position mode

Post by Basicmicro Support »

The autotuner does a best estimate of maximum speed of the motor without actually running the motor at maximum speed. It also attempts to error on the high side. You can manually measure your motors maximum speed using the PWM settings screen. Run the motor at max power and check the actual maximum speed. Adjust the QPPS. Note I recommend adding at least 10% to QPPS over your measurement. It is better to err on the high side than low side due to how FeedForward calculations work.

As for your motors quickness you can see the maximum capability using the PWM settings screen. Move you motor back and forth in there at max power and that is as good as it gets. When controlling a motors speed you will NEVER get CONTROLLED speed equal to maximum power. Controlled speed needs margins so it has extra power to work with. That is why you can if you break the PID controller get a bit more speed out of it but you wont have speed control in that case.

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