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Re: Issue: Not receiving encoder updates after calling SpeedAccelDeccelPosition function in Arduino Library

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 9:43 am
by Basicmicro Support
For other customers information:

After talking with the customer for a while he determined the problem was limited to using the roboclaw.SpeedAccelDeccelPositionM1M2 command.

Using roboclaw.SpeedAccelDeccelPositionM1 and roboclaw.SpeedAccelDeccelPositionM2 in sequence worked as expected.

Also, this does not appear to be a Roboclaw problem(resetting the ESP gets things working again without touching the Roboclaw). Since the underlying code is identical for the 3 commands this appears to be a buffering limit problem with hardware serial. Until I can dig into this further please use the separate SpeedAccelDeccelPositionMX commands.