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IioMotion QA UI Bug

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:05 pm
by StaticVOiDance
I tried to use the QA version and found that none of the motor controls are ever rendered. I've attached a screenshot of the problem. All I've done is upgrade the firmware and connect. I don't think the estop is set, but I suppose it could be, it just wasn't before I upgraded. Also the UI is cut off at the bottom. This is present in the regular version as well. Its windows 10 and I have a 1080p screen FYI. Tried disabling UI scaling but It made it worse.

Re: IioMotion QA UI Bug

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 9:29 am
by Basicmicro Support
Thank you for the post. We will try to reproduce this. It definitely looks like a UI scalling bug(since the Stop button is also out of place and the status bar at the buttom is pushed completely out of the window).

The state of the Roboclaw would have no effect on the UI layout so I think this is purely a PC/IonMotionQA bug.

What Screen resolutiona re you running and what scaling settings did you have initally?

Also, you can go back to the current release version(1.6.6) just by running the release version and re-updating the firmware.

Re: IioMotion QA UI Bug

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 8:45 am
by Basicmicro Support
Found the problem. The IonMotion app is not designed to be scalable, however the size controls on the corner of the app are still activated. If you do not size the app the problem shouldnt happen. We will disable the size controls in the next release.