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Re: Set input range for potentiometer value?

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 10:47 am
by Basicmicro Support
.2v of signal isnt going to work. At a minimum you need 1v of signal. When using auto calibration(the default when you set analog mode) the Roboclaw reads the voltage on power up to set the center point of the signal. Then it sets a min and max of .5v from that center point. If the signal goes beyond those ranges it automaticalyl recalibrates the range. For example if your stick has a 0 to 2v range(eg +-1v from center) and you move the stick through its full range the Roboclaw will automatically set the Min and Max range to 0 and 2v respectively. This is assuming your center was set at 1v when powering up.

Can you give more information on the joystick. The datasheet has odd values.

It says the voltage swing is 10%Vs or 8.3%Vs but the Error is > 25%Vs and the center cap is 50% Vs with Vs = 12v.

With the Joystick not connected to anything except power what are the range of output voltages(eg full swing up/down and center point?

If I'm reading it right I would expect center to be 6v and full up down to be +- 1.2v. If that is the case you will need to use an opamp to DC offset the voltage down near 0v at its lowest. You can use the same opamp to scale the output to a perfect 0 to 2v swing as well. Let me know the range of outputs and we can go from there.